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The ENVOY Team

Jamie Terrell, Rudean "Rudi" Tarver, Mia Horne and Detra Whitmore

Trinity Metro’s ENVOY Team are part of the Community Engagement Team, begun in October 2019 and led by Vice President Detra Whitmore. They spend their day traveling on our buses and trains, meeting our customers where they are and assisting them to where they want to go. Read more about this amazing team below.
  • Evelia Zalazar

    ENVOY Team Lead

    Began in 2015 with Trinity Metro's Customer Service and Vanpool programs.

    "As ENVOYs, we are out in any type of weather climate, riding on the buses and trains, waiting with our customers at transfer centers for connections."

    A favorite story: The joy of travel training a customer from Afghanistan who was new to the area and then seeing him teach his family.

  • Mia Horne

    ENVOY Team

    Trinity Metro employee since 2012.

    "As an ENVOY, we are on the frontline and, many times, we engage with the customers on a more personal level."

    A favorite story: Helping a customer by creating color-coded index cards to easily identify the transit signage and schedules.

  • Juanita Martinez

    ENVOY Team

    Trinity Metro employee since 2006 in Legal, Risk Management, Rideshare and Vanpool.

    "For me, there are no two days alike. Each day brings new contact with the community and new experiences."

    A favorite story: Travel training a group of 22 Spanish-speaking immigrants from Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Honduras and El Salvador.

  • Rudean "Rudi" Tarver

    ENVOY Team

    "The ENVOY team allows me the opportunity to engage with a community where, although I am not a native, I now feel at home."

    A favorite story: Meeting a couple who arrived from Dallas on the TRE wit their details and a plan to help them complete their journey to the Fort Worth Zoo as a Mother's Day treat.

  • Jamie Terrell

    ENVOY Team

    "My role as an Envoy allows me to be the face of Trinity Metro, guiding and assisting passengers as they navigate our trains, buses and other services. It an opportunity to actively promote the benefits of public transit in our region."

    A favorite story: Assisting several hundred passengers arriving on a special TRE train from Houston-Galveston in advance of Hurricane Rita.

  • La'Nora Kimbrough

    Community Engagement Manager

    Newly-appointed manager, La'Nora, will be found out and about the community, providing Transit 101 education to many groups.